Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Survival Tip #1: Controling Your Emotions

What is emotion? Well look around you, people show it all the time. You may be smiling right now, or may have fear or anxiety about something. Whatever the case, emotion is the way our body expresses what our mind feels. For example, if we take a spider and the a person with arachnophobia and put them together, then the person would show fear as their emotion because they are terrified of spiders. People, you and I, have shown emotion since birth. Emotion characterizes each person apart from each other. Our emotion is our key to who we, as human beings are.

Emotion is a way of survival for our race. Now let me take you back in time. Back to when are first ancestors roamed the earth. Why did our race stand above the rest? One of the main reasons was emotion. Emotion allowed us to work together and interact, in turn allowing us to complete necessary task towards the development of modern creation. We needed to work together in order for food to be fed into our mouths, defend our tribe, build housing, and more things as we began to become more sofisticated.

Our emotion is basically our thoughts expressed through our facial expressions. As we began to mature as a spiecies, our emotion helped determine if people were in need of help, or were sad, happy, and so on. It allowed us to recognize what was initially either a friend or a foe. We still use emotion today both as a weapon and as a shield. Humans have learned to manipulate their facial expressions for beneficial use, others may manipulate their facial expressions to hide the embarrassment of lets say crying, or hide and control their anger. Next time someone stops you in the street, be aware whether they be a friend or foe and whether you can trust them or not.

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